Organised by LiL
Bikes can be donated to Lil on November 4 or 5, so that the fab MikesBikes can look them over.
Small electrical items that are in great working order can also be donated to LiL, any time from the 4th.
General donations can be made to Lil at 10 High St Haddington EH41 3ES from Monday November 7th. There's a long list on the LiL website, but they're looking for stuff you'd be happy to get for Christmas, or can't wait to see another family leave with. It could be plants, baby gear, clothes of all ages, toys, books, household items (Toys with CE marks, furnishings with fire safe tags please)
Got stuff you'd like some ££ back for? LiL has got a limited 50/50 scheme with details on their website or message them. Last year some of these smaller items got mixed up, so they are asking this year that you clearly mark every item with you name, sale price and if it's still there at 1pm, do we put it aside or gift it out in the general sale? (Mark KEEP/GIFT) Any unsold items need to be collected by 4pm, so you’ll also need to put your phone number to keep you posted (this can be given to LiL, doesn't need to be on the price tag!).