Get involved
There are many ways to get involved any anyone and everyone is welcome.
Here are some ideas:
Join a Carbon Conversation and encourage some friends or neighbours to join in. These are structured small group conversations that help reflect on our reactions to climate change and what practical steps we can all make.
Join any CAEL meet-ups (either in person, or on-line, dependent on Covid-19)
Join the Steering Group: help the steering group to be as dynamic, engaging and active as possible.
Join or support the Renewable Energy Group group. Someone with grant funding application experience would be particularly helpful
Join or help the Biodiversity Group group. You could help research ideas, connect with the community and hear their opinions, assist in project plans, or get actively involved in helping any projects that start
Join the Wildlife Network team - helping to organise workshops, events and support Wildlife Network members
Help with Terracycle - you could help take the collection boxes to wider collection points in East Lothian and/or investigate further Terracycle options for East Linton
Help get a Travel & Work Theme group started. Anyone with a passion for or knowledge of biking and bike routes would be really helpful to explore how we could support local cycling.
Help East Linton Tool Library. Please contact Rosie directly eastlintontoollibrary@gmail.com
Help with getting the community garden going - either by joining the organising team, or joining the work parties. Please contact jo.gibb@cael.community
Get out in the garden, park or the countryside and gather some data on local biodiversity, such as butterfly populations.
Help plan some engaging and useful social activities for the group and wider community.
Help CAEL connect with the community, open up conversations with friends and neighbours – in whatever ways you find best
Help design posters for events and information leaflets
If you have an idea for something you would like to do locally, e.g reducing plastic use, clothes swapping events, additional recycling options, don’t feel restricted by CAEL’s themes: use the group to promote your idea and to see if you can get help to get something started.
Get in contact to ask any questions on any of the above, to talk through anything and/or join the mailing list.